Knee arthritis
Knee support braces to relieve arthritic knee pain.

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What is knee arthritis?
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. Therefore, knee arthritis can also be referred to as osteoarthritis of the knee. This condition corresponds to gradual wear and tear of the joint cartilage, usually affecting both knees.
The knee is a complex joint that includes 3 parts: the lower end of the thigh bone (femur), the head of the shin bone (tibia) and the kneecap (patella). So, arthritis in the knee either affects the cartilage between the femur and tibia (tibiofemoral osteoarthritis), between the femur and kneecap (patellofemoral osteoarthritis), or both.
Arthritic knees: symptoms and causes
The main symptom of knee arthritis is knee pain in the joint that increases during flexions and extensions or prolonged sitting positions. If you have arthritic knees, you may also experience joint stiffness in the morning, joint deformity, swelling and cracking.
Osteoarthritis of the knee usually comes from joint overuse: microtraumas, shocks, excessive pressure… But some factors may influence the onset of knee arthritis. They are age, menopause, overweight, risky sports and occupations, past knee traumas, some anatomical disorders and diseases.
How to treat arthritis in the knees?
Knee arthritis is a degenerative and chronic disease. The whole thing is so to prevent it to appear or progress. Contrary to one’s might think, the first recommendation is to have moderate but regular physical activity and lose weight, if necessary.
Your GP can also prescribe medicines and injections in the knee to relieve your pains or physiotherapy sessions for improving muscle strength and motion. You could also be prescribed orthopaedic insoles in case of postural disorder and knee braces for arthritis to support the joint. As a last resort, a prosthetic knee is recommended to replace the joint, partially or totally.
The EPITACT® knee support for arthritis to relieve knee pain
The two knee support braces for arthritis developed by EPITACT® are designed to relieve patellofemoral osteoarthritis of the knee. The PHYSIOstrap™ Medical knee support* is ultra-comfortable and adapted to daily activities. During physical activity, the PHYSIOstrap™ Sport knee support brace* provides greater support against painful movements like flexions and extensions. Both knee supports for arthritis in the knee stay very well in place. Plus, they are so thin that you can wear them under any of your clothes.
*These solutions are class I medical devices that bear the CE marking under this regulation. Carefully read the instructions before use. Manufacturer: Millet Innovation. 05/2023
If you have arthritic knees, you should reduce the amount of walking.
FALSE! Walking is essential to avoid that osteoarthritis of the knee worsens too rapidly. In fact, the cartilage of the knee is a little vascularised tissue and its health depends on the use of the joint. By walking, doing exercises and just staying active, you preserve your mobility and relieve your knee pain.
Osteoarthritis of the knee is more frequent with age.
TRUE! With age, the knee joint normally wears out, causing knee arthritis. However, this condition not only affects the elderly: most of the people with arthritic knees are active. Why? Because the joint overuse often comes with certain works or activities that favour early wear and tear of the cartilage (tilers, high-level athletes…).
Knee arthritis is irreversible.
TRUE! The cartilage wear and tear of the arthritic knee joint is irreversible but it can be treated! Regular monitoring, appropriate care and use of a knee brace prove to be effective in slowing down the progression of arthritis in the knees. To do so, EPITACT® has created the PHYSIOstrap™ Medical and the PHYSIOstrap™ Sport knee support for arthritis.